Miss Amazing

One of our favorite annual donations, the Arkansas Miss Amazing event. Miss Amazing's mission is to provide opportunities for girls and women with disabilities to build confidence and self-esteem. The event is a pure and powerful celebration of these young ladies' abilities. 
Equip girls and women with disabilities with practical tools to own their stories, build upon their strengths, and author their life plans.Equip girls and women with disabilities with practical tools to own their stories, build upon their strengths, and author their life plans.Miss Amazing Arkansas Special Needs pageant joy celebration
The Miss Amazing pageants also strive to nourish and support local community organizations also dedicated to helping people with disabilities. The division winners get a taste for community service as they give the proceeds from the pageant back to the community. Not only do the proceeds from the event go to the community, but also canned food items collected from the participants as their only participation fee.

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